

The name of the Association shall be 55+ TENPIN BOWLING ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Association’.


  1. To advance and promote throughout New Zealand the sport of tenpin bowling and associated leisure and social activities by men and women 55 years of age and over.
  2. To encourage and support the participation by Association members in tenpin bowling activities and in local and regional tenpin bowling tournaments, both in New Zealand and Australia.


  1. To conduct the affairs of the 55+ Tenpin Bowling Association of New Zealand in the best interests of all its members, in a manner befitting a non-profit making autonomous organisation.
  2. To receive and accept subscriptions, donations and the proceeds of fund raising activities, and apply these to the objects of the Association, and to be accountable to the members of the Association for all such monies.
  3. To establish and empower an Executive Committee, as hereinafter provided, to conduct and manage the affairs of the Association.
  4. To do all such other acts and things as are, or may be incidental, or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the objects of the Association or the exercise of any of its powers.


  1. Any person 55 years of age or over, being a member of a Tenpin Bowling League or Club may apply to become a member by completing and lodging with the Association Secretary the designated application form, accompanied by the prescribed annual membership subscription amount as may be set from time to time by the Association.
  2. The Executive committee may, in its absolute discretion and in confidence, approve or reject any application for member-ship, and shall notify any such applicant accordingly.
  3. The Executive may in its absolute discretion, terminate the membership of any member who in their opinion is, or has been guilty of conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Association and its members, and shall notify such member accordingly.
  4. A member may at any time give in writing to the Secretary, notice of his/her intention to resign or retire as a member of the Association.
  5. Members may only use the Association’s name to raise funds to attend Association tournament and functions.
  6. No member shall use the Association’s name, as a governing body, to raise funds for any other purpose.

 5 Administration

The day-to-day administration of the affairs of the Association shall be conducted by an Executive Committee.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be financial members of the Association and shall consist of:

  1. President
  2. Vice President

iii. Secretary or Secretary/Treasurer

(The Treasurer, if appointed separately, shall also be an Executive Committee member)

iv Tournament Director.

7 General Committee

The General Committee shall consist of all Centre delegates who have been duly elected to represent their Centre by financial members of the Association.

8 Elections

  1. a) Executive Committee
    1. The President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer (or Treasurer) and the tournament director may each hold office for a term of two (2) years but may, stand for re-election, with automatic nomination to the said Executive positions at the end of their term.


  1. Any other member willing to stand for one of the Executive Officers’ positions shall be properly nominated and seconded in writing to the Secretary prior to an Annual General Meeting.
  • General Committee ( Centre Delegates.)


  1. The nominee must confirm in writing to the Secretary, their willingness to have their name put forward for the position for which they are nominated.
  2. Executive Committee members replaced at an AGM shall remain in office until the conclusion of activities at the Association’s final meeting for that year.


  1. New Executive Committee appointees shall take up office on the
  • first day following the final Association meeting for that year.


  1. b) Centre Delegates

Will be elected by the Financial members of their respective centres at a properly convened meeting of financial members from that centre.

Delegates will hold office for two (2) years, and may stand for re-election, but require two current financial members to nominate and second their nomination.


  1. The administration of the affairs of the Association shall be conducted by an Executive Committee.
  2. The Executive Committee shall be financial members of the Association and shall consist of:
  3. President
  4. Vice President

iii. Secretary or Secretary/Treasurer (The Treasurer, if appointed separately, may also be an Executive Committee member)

iv Tournament Director.
The Secretary/Treasurer or Treasurer may also undertake the role of Tournament Director.
In the event a separate Tournament Director is appointed, that person shall also be an Executive Committee Member.

  1. The Committee shall consist of all Centre delegates who have been duly elected to represent their Centre by financial members of the Association based at that Centre.



  1. General meetings
  2. Only Centre delegates may vote at general meetings on matters.

properly notified in advance to Association members.

  1. Prior to a meeting, it shall be the responsibility of each Centre delegate to contact their Centre members and vote according to

their wishes.

  1. Delegates unable to attend a meeting may appoint another financial member from their centre to take their place.


  1. Annual General meetings
    1. All financial members present at an Annual General meeting will be entitled to one vote.
    2. Financial Members not able to attend the meeting may appoint a proxy. Nominations for a proxy must be in writing and received by the Secretary no later than 5 days before the scheduled meeting.
    3. A secret ballot shall be conducted in the event of more than one nomination being received for any executive
      1. The Chairperson shall appoint two (2) scrutineers,

preferably from non-voting members present.

  1. ii) The declaration of the Chairperson shall be final.

However, in the event of a tie, the Chairperson may in his/her absolute discretion, use a casting vote or call for a further ballot.

  1. The scrutineers shall retain and destroy all voting papers.



  1. The Annual General meeting will be held each year during the first tournament of the year at a time to be decided by the executive committee.
  2. Notice of the meeting and the agenda and supporting papers shall be distributed to centre delegates by email not less than two weeks prior to the meeting
  3. Delegates will distribute the notice to the financial members in their area
  4. All other general meetings shall be Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM).
  5. A quorum shall be not less than ten (10) members present in person
  6. No business shall be transacted at any AGM or EGM unless a quorum is present.
  7. If within half an hour from the appointed time for the AGM or EGM a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the next convenient day, time and place as determined by the Chairperson.
  8. The members present at the adjourned meeting shall constitute a quorum and may transact business accordingly.
  9. The Chairperson of the AGM or EGM shall be the President. In his/her absence the Vice President shall be the Chair-person. In the absence of both, the meeting may elect a Chairperson for that meeting.
  10. The Secretary shall disclose to the meeting, details of all registered votes from delegates who are unable to attend.
  11. The business of the AGM shall be:
  12. To receive, and if so resolved, approve the report of the President and Executive Committee on the activities, state and condition of the Association.
  13. To receive, and if so resolved, approve the Treasurer’s audited statement of Income and Expenditure and funds position of the Association for the preceding twelve months.
  14. To elect the Executive Committee members of the Association.
  15. To set the annual subscription.
  16. To transact any other business which in the view of the Chairperson may properly be dealt with


  1. The Executive Committee may whenever it thinks fit, and shall upon the requisition in writing of not less than ten (10) financial members, convene an EGM of the Association.
    b. The notice of, and conduct of such EGMs shall be in accordance with the rules as set out under 8: Annual General Meeting.
    c. No business, other than that specified in the notice convening the meeting, shall be transacted at an EGM.
    d. All other Executive meeting, AGM or EGM business shall be decided by simple majority on a show of hands.
    e. The Chairperson may, at his/her absolute discretion, call for a poll on any matter properly brought before a meeting.


  1. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee which shall be responsible for the day to day administration of the Association, in accordance with the Rules and Constitution set out herein.
    b. The Executive Committee shall have the additional power to set up and disband sub-committees, and appoint co-opted Association members to such sub-committees.


  1. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called at such place, date and time as may be mutually convenient.
    b. The President or Vice President shall chair such meetings.
    c. A quorum for such meetings shall be ten (10), including the Executive Committee members personally present.
    d. The President shall ensure that an appropriate record is kept of all business conducted on behalf of the Association and at meetings.
    e. The Executive Committee shall ensure that proper records are kept of all monies received and paid, and that such records are audited annually.
    f. The Executive shall cause a bank account to be opened in the name of the Association and shall ensure that :
    i. All monies received are banked in that account and all payments made by cheque.
    ii. The President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, or a nominated delegate, shall countersign all withdrawal cheques.
    iii. Details of all such transactions are recorded and approved at each Executive Committee meeting.
    g. Any member of the Executive shall ‘ipso facto’ vacate office if he or she is found guilty of grave misconduct prejudicial to the interests of the Association or its members.
    h. Any member of the Executive may terminate his/her office by notice in writing to the President or Secretary.
    i. The Executive shall, subject to 10, b. be entitled to fill casual vacancies at its discretion.


The President of the Association shall:
a. Preside over all meetings of the Association and shall be entitled to nominate a temporary Chairperson or the Vice President to take the chair in his/her place.
b. Enforce all the objects, provisions and purposes of the Association.


In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President and may also, on request from the President, assist in the performance of the President’s duties.


  1. The Secretary shall carry out such duties as may be delegated by the President and Executive Committee from time to time including:
    i. Convening, setting up and attending all Executive Committee, Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings.
    ii. By way of minutes, keeping a permanent record of the business conducted and resolutions made at such meetings, and distributing copies to Executive Committee members, including reports from sub-committees.
    iii. Promptly dealing with and tabling inward and outward correspondence.
    iv. Keeping and maintaining a register of members.
  2. The Secretary may call upon a suitable member to record the minutes of any meetings of the Association.


  1. The Treasurer shall maintain a current account register of all receipts and payments and issue consecutively numbered receipts for all monies received, and shall bank the same promptly to the Association’s bank account.
  2. Ensure that all payments are authorised by the Executive Committee and supported by original invoices and/or vouchers, and that all cheques issued are countersigned by either the President or Vice President, or a nominated delegate.
  3. Prepare and table at each Executive Committee meeting a summary of all receipts, accounts for payment and details of the bank account current balance and reconciliation thereof.
  4. The Financial Accounts of the Association shall be prepared by a Chartered Accountant who is a member of CAANZ.


In the event the General Committee decide and Audit or Review is necessary they will appoint a suitably qualified person who is a member of CAANZ


  1. The Tournament Director has prime responsibility for managing Association Tournaments.
  2. The Tournament Director shall ensure the processing of all Member entries for Association tournaments into lane draws for each event of the tournament immediately after the entry closing date and shall liaise with the Treasurer with regard to tournament entry fees.
  3. The Tournament Director shall ensure the tournament results for each event are processed as soon as possible after bowling has been completed.
  4. The Tournament Director shall arrange for all lanes draws and tournament results to be posted onto the Association’s website in a timely manner.
  5. The Tournament Director shall consider all matters raised by tournament participants and adjudicate on these where appropriate. The Tournament Director may call upon other Association Executive members or appoint two other bowlers for any judicial matters.
  6. The Tournament Director shall provide reports on each Association Tournament to the AGM and to the Delegates meetings held during each Association tournament.
  7. The Tournament Director shall keep relevant up-to-date bowling statistics for each member to provide entering averages for the next tournament that a member enters.


The Executive may arrange membership or affiliations with other bodies whose aims and objectives are similar to those of this Association.


  1. Any alteration, amendment or recession of these Rules shall be made only by a resolution passed by a majority of representatives present and entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting of the Association or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.
  2. Notice of a motion of alteration, amendment or recession shall be addressed in writing to the Secretary one (1) calendar month prior to the AGM or EGM called for that purpose.
  3. No alternation, amendment or recession may be made which changes the purpose of 22 Winding Up.



Should any doubt arise as to the interpretation of any of these Rules or any matter related thereto, or arising therefrom, the decision of the Executive Committee shall be binding upon all members unless revoked by an Extraordinary General Meeting held no later than the next following Annual General Meeting.


The address of the Association shall be care of the Secretary.


If upon the winding up of the Association there remains after the satisfaction of all its liabilities and obligations, any funds or property whatsoever, the same shall be donated to an approved registered charity.